Council Meeting Minutes

Oakwood City Council Meets The Fourth  Monday of Every Month.  All meeting agendas will be posted outside at City Hall 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. 

Contact City Hall with any questions: 903-545-2131 or email :

All council members serve two year alternating terms.  

City Council Elections are held on the 1st Saturday in May.

First day to file for candidacy will be in January . Final day to file is in February. 

Please call City Hall for exact dates.  903-545-2131

Applications available at Oakwood City Hall, 135 E. Broad St.

Candidacy Requirements:


  • Must  be a resident - 1 year in state prior to filing deadline; and 6 months in city prior to election day.
  • Minimum age of 18
  • Must be a registered voter in the City prior to filing deadline.


Applications available at Oakwood City Hall-135 E. Broad St. Oakwood, TX 75855